Wednesday, February 9, 2011

To blog or not to blog...that was the question.

So, it looks like I’m starting this whole blogging thing. I’ve oddly been quite resistant toward it for a few years now. I’m not really sure why, well actually, I do know…probably best described in this quick “Cons of Blogging “ list (I heart lists, by the way).

o   Who the heck cares what I have to say?? My typical day consists of working, working out (sometimes), eating, texting and watching shamey reality television. Truth time: I was fearful of rejection in the blogging world :-/ I guess I figured I don’t have a niche…I’m not a great cook who can share incredible recipes, I don’t have inside connections to celebrity gossip, etc.
o   I’m a copywriter. This is kind of a two-fold reason because a. I tend to shy away from plopping down at my computer once I get home from a full day at the office since I’m in front of one attempting to be witty and creative for 8 hrs as it is and b. It’s kinda the “hip” thing to do when you’re a copywriter. To throw around a business card and say, “Ohhhhh yeah, and you can check out my BLOG to get a taste of cool writing samples that I do on my own free time.” Total rebel without a cause moment, I suppose. I have those sometimes.

Now, I’m not always a Pessimistic Pamela, I actually tend to think of myself as a “glass is half full” type of a gal, but I wanted to put those *negative blogging* thoughts out there before I state exactly why I’ve chosen to jump into this game. Thus, my “Pros of Blogging” list…I know you’ve been waiting for it.

o   Capturing life, one entry at a time. Though my lovely boyfriend, The Canadian, is very anti-blog…I truly believe the small moments within a given day, week or month can often be forgotten in the grand scheme of things (and as I quickly near the big 3-0, I seriously am finding my short term memory lapsing). I figure this will be the best way to truly cherish every memory that I experience along this funny road we call life.
o   Keeping everyone in the loop. Though it may seem narcissistic of me to believe that my friends and family care enough about my daily “comings and goings”…I’ve lived in a handful of places throughout my life, and since many of my friends stretch across the country, at this point I think this will be the easiest way for everyone to see what I’m up to (and I’m pretty sure FB status updates can’t cover everything)
o   My dear friend “Miss V”. This little lady has given me the “blogging bug”. She introduced me to the Pioneer Woman’s blog a few months ago, and ever since then, I can’t get enough of checking into certain blogs on a daily basis. We went to PW’s book signing last night together in SF and for some reason, it finally clicked that I wanted to do this. And so I did.

So that’s about it. I’m excited to start getting the hang of this as the entries go by. Forgive me as I gain my own “voice”, and I’ll try to keep things interesting…



  1. I didn't think I could love you any more than I already do.. but then you have to go and write the cutest blog post ever. Gawwwd I lover you friend. So glad you decided to jump on the bandwagon! Can't wait to show you off to my followers ;)

  2. .kzfhlsdhx;sakfhdkcxhfskdh!!! thanks, love!!! it's all your doing ;-) and thanks for being the "pied piper" of blogs!! xx
